Harnessing Customer Data: How Mobile Apps Transform Restaurant Marketing and Engagement

Published 25 August 2023
Author MethodWorx

In our previous article, we delved into the pivotal role of apps for modern restaurants, exploring their potential to boost sales, elevate the customer experience, and foster brand loyalty. Now, let’s venture into the heart of app-driven success: harnessing customer insights through data.

Gateway to Customer Insights

A remarkable app serves as a customer’s gateway to your entire range of services. Once downloaded, the app becomes their go-to platform for all interactions with your establishment. This presents an unparalleled opportunity to gather a wealth of customer data, painting a detailed portrait of their preferences and behaviours. Insights such as spending habits, preferred dishes, and dining times become available.

This invaluable information can then be leveraged to tailor personalised offers directly via the app. By catering to individual tastes and behaviours, you encourage increased visits, higher spending, and the all-important act of bringing friends along.

And the more you engage with this process, the more powerful it becomes. Frequent customer visits translate to richer data. With a clearer understanding of their tastes and habits, you can fine-tune your promotions with precision.

The Role of Data

Every booking and transaction is a puzzle piece that contributes to a more comprehensive customer profile. Booking a table reveals dining preferences. Payments offer insights into meal choices and spending patterns. This continuous flow of data allows for refined, targeted marketing.

The allure of apps is evident to data marketers who envision the potential here. The best part? Unleashing this potential requires just a modest investment in technology.

Choosing the Right Technology

Apps that truly unlock data marketing benefits are backed by sophisticated systems capable of swiftly collecting, storing, and analysing customer data. One such example is Event-Stream by Methodworx.

Systems like Event-Stream seamlessly integrate with your marketing channels, centralising data in a uniform format. This means that even if customers interact with your restaurant via different channels, they’re recognised, and their data is consolidated.

The Process in Action

Identify: When customers download and register the app, their email addresses serve as identifiers.
Collect: Each app interaction generates data, sent to Event-Stream and linked to their email addresses.
Follow: If a customer interacts via other channels like website or social media, the email address serves as the common thread. Data from these interactions is seamlessly integrated.

Reward: Armed with a growing wealth of data, you can begin identifying buying habits and crafting tailored offers. This approach quickly enables the creation of customer subgroups for highly targeted marketing.
Repeat and Refine: Analyse customer data from past offers to enhance future promotions. Continual improvement is the key.

The PizzaExpress App Revolution

PizzaExpress stands out as an app-driven data marketing success story. Their app, developed in collaboration with Event-Stream by Methodworx, soared to the top of the mid-market casual dining segment on the App Store with a stellar 4.8 out of 5 average rating.

Transitioning from a static app to one powered by advanced technology, PizzaExpress was able to rapidly adapt content, offer targeted promotions, and engage users effectively. The app seamlessly integrated with Event-Stream, allowing the identification of app users, segmenting them for personalised offers, and gaining crucial insights into customer behaviour.

This best-in-class app has not only elevated the brand’s engagement and customer experience but also facilitated the gathering of invaluable user data.

About MethodWorx

MethodWorx is a specialised development consultancy dedicated to helping hospitality businesses unlock the potential of customer behaviour data. Through our flagship solution, Event-Stream, we enable businesses to:

  • Make informed sales and marketing decisions.
  • Centralise all customer behaviour data for analysis
  • Execute decisions across disparate technology stacks
  • Transform customer insights into actionable strategies

With a fusion of deep technology expertise and sector knowledge, MethodWorx empowers you to place the customer at the heart of your marketing endeavours. Our commitment is to help you navigate the data landscape and enhance customer engagement through cutting-edge solution

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