How Event-Stream Can Revolutionise Your Marketing Strategy

Published 15 September 2023
Author MethodWorx

Killer campaigns based on watertight customer data – that is what marketing is all about, right? Well, not if you are spending all your time grappling to collate customer information from a myriad of out-of-date technologies that do not integrate.

This is a daily challenge for many marketing teams, and they face a stark choice: spend a fortune on a lengthy programme to upgrade their old technology or put up with using incomplete data to make decisions.

However, there is another option: put a single solution at the heart of your business that collects all customer data in a single place, giving clear and detailed insights on how customers are behaving.

What is Event-Stream?

Event-Stream is a powerful tool that connects all outbound and inbound channels, no matter how old or clunky they might be, and captures all customer actions in one place. This data can be used to understand how customers behave and build targeted campaigns that speak directly to different subsets of customers.


Event-Stream enables users to take this data and build precisely targeted campaign plans that can be executed through integrations with current providers. Read how Event-Stream has empowered PizzaExpress to develop data-driven strategic plans and deploy more marketing campaigns in any given time period.

How does Event-Stream work?

Event-Stream works by capturing customer actions as events to be analysed rather than data to be shoehorned into a database. By using a stream analytics database, Event-Stream can analyse the data in real-time and produce a huge range of actionable insights.


Event-Stream also integrates with multiple systems, enabling campaigns to be automated and executed across various channels.

What are the benefits of Event-Stream?

By using Event-Stream, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Single customer view: You can build a detailed view of each customer’s behaviour by capturing every interaction they have with your business via any digital channel. This allows you to personalise your marketing messages and offers based on their preferences and habits.
  • Highly targeted campaigns: You can segment your customers based on any criteria you choose, such as demographics, purchase history, loyalty status, etc. You can then create tailored campaigns that appeal to each segment and deliver them through the most effective channel.
  • Improved customer experience and retention: You can enhance your customer service and loyalty by recognising your customers across different touchpoints and providing them with relevant and timely information. You can also use feedback and satisfaction data to improve your products and services.
  • Increased productivity and profitability: You can save time and money by automating your marketing processes and reducing manual errors. You can also measure the impact of your campaigns and optimise them based on real-time data.


How to get started with Event-Stream?

If you are ready to revolutionise your marketing strategy with Event-Stream, you can get started by contacting us. Do not let your old tech stack limit your marketing potential. Partner with MethodWorx today and unleash the power of your customer data.


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